Friday, March 23, 2012


Hello everyone!

We have some important updates regarding F*C*004.  For some reasons beyond our control, and some completely within our control, Ice Cream Social Network is getting pushed back a bit.  Regarding the former, K and I are dealing with some ongoing health issues, and would like to have them more or less resolved before we start such a mammoth undertaking.  As for the latter, we have had an opportunity to toss our net into a much larger ocean, so to speak, but in order to do so we've been obliged to extend the deadline for submissions. Additionally, we've had some very excellent makers contact us with concerns about the April deadline, so it seems to us that the project will be that much stronger if we give people some more time to do what they need to do.  There have also been some slight changes in the wording of the call that we feel might open up some new possibilities.  Obviously, if you've already got your piece ready, feel free to send it our way.

NEW DATES (The call has been edited to reflect these changes.):
Submission deadline: 1 June 2012, 5 PM
Notification by: 10 June 2012, 5 PM
Website launch: 15 June 2012

We can't wait to see what you've put together, and are extremely excited about making F*C*004: Ice Cream Social Network happen.


Bernie & Kristen
"Freelance" "Curator"