Friday, April 29, 2011

100 Records at Islington Mill Arts Club!

Hey all!

So the last 6 - 8 weeks have been spent in a frenzy of stress and logistics helping Sonny and Mark and Perry bring the show to the Islington Mills Arts Club in Salford, UK.  There were artwork surgeries, shippers bailing on us--it was gnarly.  But we did it, and when we found out that the work--and the newly redesigned jukebox!--reached greater Manchester safely, rainbows shot out of our eyes and we levitated off of the ground about 3/4 of an inch.  

Anyways, the show is open right now, and it is as good a way as any to celebrate the royal wedding.  100 Records is also a part of Sunday's Sounds of the Other City Festival, which is sure to be awesome.  There are dozens of bands, including Sonny and the Sunsets, who are playing the Comfortable On A Tightrope stage at 7:45 PM.

So, information:

Sonny Smith's 100 Records at Islington Mill Arts Club

Sounds From the Other City:

And Hit After Hit is out!  Buy it!

Monday, April 11, 2011

News! Or lack thereof...

We are sort of in between projects right now, but there are some big things in the works.  No lie.  Prepare yourselves for a monster update soon!  

Until then, why not enjoy this mix we made just for you?