Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer update! (If you really, like, NEED to know what we're up to...)

Hey everyone!

It's been a while since we rapped at you, but you know how it goes (probably). And we thought it might be a good idea to let you all know what we've been up to lately, what projects we've been working on, etc.  We're back home in Detroit (finally!), for the time being at least, and busy working on a number of things. Though most are related to our personal art practices or academic research, and only tangentially connected to our "Freelance" "Curator" endeavors, it's possible you might still be interested?  I hope?  More after the cut.

First, the "Freelance" stuff / news:

-Bernie just finished a huge project for the Oregon Folklife Network, The Center for Intercultural Dialogue (UNESCO), and the University of Oregon.  The show is called Hooks, Yarns, & Bars, and features idiosyncratic prison art, primarily crochet.  This project was pretty mind-blowing.  Visiting the prison with the field researchers to meet the artists and gather the work was intense.  There was a two-day "test run" of the show at a private conference in May.  Public showings are currently being organized in the Northwest, but as others are handling such intrigues ("Freelance" "Curator" was only brought in to curate the show, plan its layout, and create its visual identity), there isn't much concrete information we can pass on just yet.  More when we know.  Pics when we have them.  Enlarge the photo for a bit more.

-We are also in the early planning stages of opening a semi-permanent gallery space, though this is something like a two-year plan.  It will most likely be in or around San Diego for reasons to be explained below.  We'll keep you all in the loop.

Other stuff / news:

-A couple of new That Evil Mess pieces are on view around Detroit as we type. If, for whatever reason, you are super stoked on this, you had better check out Work : Detroit's Stone Soup first--it closes tomorrow.  More information here. The other TEM piece is at Whitdel Arts in Mexicantown.  (While in the area, take advantage of the taco trucks.)  It's called Search and Deploy, is inspired by Fuller and Ant Farm, and has been called an "explosion" by WDET (about a third of the way through).  More information here.  Teaser pics below.  More pics when the show's been up a while.

-You know those shows we mentioned up there?  Bernie is in those too!  The piece in Work : Detroit is a variant on these guys, and involves freebies (not sure if there are any left, but you never know...).  There's sort of a funny story behind the Whitdel piece, but we don't really feel like telling it.  It's called Untitled (Where FRIENDLY People Meet--Plastic Garbage Island for JCBG), and prominently features a simply-drawn graveyard.  It's a bit of a one-off / toss-off, and kind of ridiculous, but we're still psyched on it.  Whatever.  We've got no photos of it yet, but for the teaser below.  Obstructed views of it (and Search and Deploy) in this FB album.

-Kristen is currently an assistant curator in charge of a monster collection of toasters at The Henry Ford in Dearborn, which is undeniably awesome.  She is also working on two chapters for upcoming anthologies related to the study of the paranormal, which are to be released on academic presses out of the UK. This is also undeniably awesome.  More updates on the books eventually.

-Moving to San Diego soon, so Kristen can complete her second terminal degree.  Thus, the gallery plans there, as opposed to here.

WHEW!  OK.  Did you get all of that?  Thanks for your patience.  Here are some dance jams as a reward.

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